Personal Data Protection Statement

with regards to the collection, storage or otherwise processing of your personal data on the e-learning platform « Women Leadership and Sustainability Educational Program”


Christian Dior Couture, a French société anonyme with registered offices located at 30 Avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies register under number 612 035 832 (hereinafter “Christian Dior Couture” or “CDC”) has developed an e-learning platform « Women Leadership and Sustainability Educational Program » (hereinafter the “Program”) available at (hereinafter the "Website"). 

The aim of Christian Dior Couture is to offer participants the opportunity to follow a program that promotes inclusion, self-reliance, creativity and sustainable development.

Christian Dior Couture place the highest priority and take the utmost care to protect your personal data.

The purpose of this dedicated Personal Data Protection Statement (hereinafter the "Privacy Statement") is to inform you, as students or contributors, participating to the Program (hereinafter "You") about how Christian Dior Couture (hereinafter "We" or “Us”) process the personal data that You provide when You register through the Website to the Program and further participate to case studies (hereinafter the "Personal Data" or "Data"), and about your rights in this respect. 

Note: CDC may amend this Privacy Statement, in particular if a new processing of Personal Data is carried out as part of the present Program. Please check this page regularly to ensure that You agree with any change. You will be notified of these modifications, either through a special note on our dedicated Website or through a personal notification. 

  1. What is a “personal data”?

Personal Data refers to any information or pieces of information that could identify You either directly (e.g. your name, surname) or indirectly (e.g. ID number). We provide details on the collected personal data under section 3 below.

  1. Who is responsible for the protection of your Personal Data?

A data controller is an entity that determines the purposes and means of the processing of your Personal Data and is responsible for compliance with Data protection regulations. As regards the management of your Data for your participation to the Program, CDC will be the Data controller within the meaning of the regulations applicable to personal data and in particular with regard to article 24 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR").

Agorize is registered under the Trade and Companies register of Paris under the number 53077443900034 and is located at 15 rue Béranger, 75003 Paris, France.
Tel.: +33 (0) 1 55 43 79 45. Agorize is the host of the platform which you will be using and has only a technical role in the scope of the Program. CDC remains the editor of the dedicated website and therefore is the Data controller of the data collected from you. 


Terms and Conditions with regards to the Program are available at the following link:


  1. Why and how do We use your Personal Data?
  • On what legal grounds and for which purposes do We use your Personal Data?

In accordance with current personal data protection regulations, We only process your Personal Data when We have a legal basis to do so.

We process your Personal Data based on the performance of the Program for the following purposes:

  • to manage your participation to the Program ;
  • potentially contact you to provide you with updates on the Women@Dior community. 

We may also store your Personal Data when the law requires Us to do so or to exercise or defend our rights.


  • How do We collect your Personal Data?

We collect your Personal Data directly from You when You (i) register, through the Website, to the Program and (ii) further participate to this Program.

We may also from time to time collect your Data indirectly, when We take pictures of You during the events with your express prior consent.


  • What Data do We collect?

We collect several types of Personal Data about You:

  • last name and first name ;
  • email address ;
  • image ;
  • and all Personal Data that are contained in the content You provide when You participate to the Program.
  • Who has access to your Data?

Your Data will be only accessible, for the management of the Program, to the jury of the Program composed of guests who can be, among others, professors and collaborators working at Christian Dior Couture.

Certain third parties may also have access to your Data, specifically:

  • other Dior Group affiliates; and Maisons and affiliates of the LVMH Group;
  • our subcontractors and service providers acting for technical reasons(Website hosting and maintenance providers for example) ;
  • any authority, court or other third partywhen disclosure is required by law, regulations or a judicial decision, or if such disclosure is necessary to protect and defend our rights.
  • Is any Personal Data transferred outside of the European Economic Area?

Your Data will be accessible to the personnel of CDC and to our guests, who may be located outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) in countries where personal data protection laws differ from those that apply in the EEA.

Likewise, We rely on certain service providers, which are located abroad or which themselves rely on processors located abroad, including outside of the EEA in countries where personal data protection laws differ from those that apply in the EEA.

Any transfer of your Data outside of the EEA takes place with appropriate contractual safeguards in place that comply with applicable personal data protection regulations.

Upon request to the contact details in section 8, We can provide You with a list of countries where We store or process your Data, or through which your Data may occasionally transit, inform You of the safeguards used on a case-by-case basis and, where applicable, provide You with a copy of the applicable safeguards. 


  • How long do We store your Data?

For the purpose of the management of the Program, your Data is stored for the entire duration of this Program that is one year.

For the purposes of providing you with updates on the Women@Dior community, your Data is stored for a maximum of five years.


 What are your rights in relation to your Data?

  • Access, rectification and portability 

In accordance with current regulations, You have the right to access your Data. You may also request correction of Your Personal Data should they be inaccurate. Depending on the purpose of processing, You also have the right to have incomplete Personal Data completed. 

To respond to your request, We may ask you to provide Us with a proof of your identity. We may also need to ask You for additional information or supporting documents. We will make every effort to respond to your request as soon as possible.

You may, to the extent provided for by law, exercise your right to Data portability which allows You to retrieve, in an interoperable format, the Personal Data that You provided to Us.


  • Right to erasure of your Data and to limitation of the processing of your Data

You may request erasure or limitation of the processing of your Personal Data if:

  • You believe that our processing of your Personal Data is no longer necessary for your participation to the Program or your use of the Website ;
  • You believe that the processing is unlawful or You contest the accuracy of the Data We process about You.

Please note that despite the exercise of your right to erasure or processing limitation, We will store some of your Personal Data when the law requires Us to do so or to exercise or defend our rights.


  • Right to establish instructions for the management of your Personal Data after your death

For France and when mandatory local provisions so provide, You may determine how You want Us to handle your Personal Data upon your death.


  • Procedure to exercise your rights in relation to your Data

You may exercise your right to access, rectification and/or erasure of your Data by accessing your account.

You may also contact us directly at


  1. How is your Personal Data secured?

CDC uses technical and organizational measures that comply with French and EU legal and regulatory requirements, to keep your Data secure and confidential.

Under written agreements, CDC requires its service providers and processors to provide safeguards and implement sufficient security measures to protect the Personal Data they have agreed to process, in accordance with applicable requirements under personal data protection laws.

However, CDC does not control all risks related to the operation of the Internet and draws your attention to the inherent risks of using any website.


  1. Cookies

We only use strictly necessary cookies for the proper functioning of the Website. These technical first party cookies do not store any of your Personal Data. No other cookies such as for personalisation or social purposes are collected or required to be collected from you.


  1. Third party websites

There may be links to third-party websites that We do not control, and which are governed by their own confidentiality and personal data protection policies as independent Data Controller as per applicable Data Protection laws. This Privacy Statement does not apply to third-party websites. Please review the confidentiality and personal data protection policies of the third-party websites that You visit to understand how they process your Data. CDC shall not be liable for any use of your Data by any third parties. In order to avoid any doubt CDC and these third parties are not joint controllers in the meaning given by applicable Data Protection laws.


  1. How can You contact Us if You have queries or complaints?

For any questions concerning this Privacy Statement or for any queries or complaints regarding your Personal Data, please contact Us any time at the following contact details:  


  1. CDC’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) will be your designated contact person that may be reached:
  • by mail at the following address: Data Protection Officer, 27 rue Jean Goujon, 75008 Paris, France ; and
  • by e-mail at the following address:
  1. You also have the right to contact Dior’s lead data protection authority, the CNIL, at any time in order to file a complaint against Dior’s data protection and privacy practices. The CNIL can be contacted using the following contact information:

Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL

3 Place de Fontenoy
TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris, Cedex 07
Phone. +33 1 53 73 22 22
Fax +33 1 53 73 22 00


  1. We also wish to inform you about the contacts of other authorities in Europe that you can find and contact on the website of the European Data Protection Board: