The website accessible under the link : (hereinafter the “Website”) is published by Christian Dior Couture, a French société anonyme with a share capital of EUR 290,055,840.00, located at 30 Avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies register under number 612 035 832, and telephone number +33 (0)1 40 73 73 73 (hereinafter “Christian Dior Couture” or “CDC”).


Publishing Director: Pietro Beccari.


Hosted by: Agorize, a French Société par Actions Simplifiée

Address: 15 rue Béranger, 75003 Paris, France
Tel.: +33 (0) 1 55 43 79 45

Trade and Companies register of Paris: 53077443900034

Designed and created by: Agorize (see details above)





These Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the “T&Cs”) govern the access to, and use of, the Website content. The purpose of these T&Cs is to set out the terms and conditions for using the Website, as well as the rights and obligations of any user who accesses, browses, or visits the Website (hereinafter the “User” or “Users”).

By accessing the Website, the User agrees that, every time he visits the Website, he will comply with these T&Cs, which apply to all services available on the Website. 

Therefore, the User must unreservedly agree to these T&Cs in their entirety, before using the Website. If the User does not agree, he shall not use the Website.

CDC reserves the right to update or modify the Website information and content, including these T&Cs, at any time without prior notice. All such changes shall become effective upon publication. The User, accessing the Website after the changes are posted online, shall be deemed to accept such changes, without reserve nor restriction. In order to be informed of such changes, it is recommended that the User regularly refers to the last version of the T&Cs available on the Website. However, the User will be notified of any significant changes to these T&Cs. 



Access to the Website is free of charge. The User shall be solely liable for all costs in connection with accessing and using the telecommunications network, in accordance with the terms determined by his Internet service providers and telecommunications operators. 



The entire Website is subject to international laws relating to copyright, trademarks and, more generally, intellectual property, both as regards its form (choices, sitemap, arrangement of contents, means of accessing data, database or any organization of data, etc.) and each element of its content (trademarks, texts, images, videos, etc.). Such content, featured on the Website pages, is the sole property of CDC or its contributors. CDC or its contributors do no grant any license to the User or any right other than the right to view the Website. 

The reproduction of any content published on the Website is authorized for information purposes only and for a personal and private use. Any reproduction, retrieval and/or use of content for any other purposes are expressly prohibited and may result in the civil or criminal liability of the User.

Hyperlinks to any of the Website pages or content cannot be created without CDC’s prior written consent. Such consent may be revoked at any time. CDC does not have control over websites that contain links to the Website or to its content, and it shall therefore incur no liability (including editorial liability) for any access to, or content of, such websites. 

The Website may include links to other websites or Internet sources. To the extent that CDC has no control over such websites or external sources, CDC may not be held liable for the availability of such websites and external sources and excludes all liability with regard to the content, ads, products, services or any other information or data available on or from such websites or external sources. In addition, CDC may not be held liable for any alleged or actual damages or losses incurred as a result of or in connection with the use of, or reliance on, the content, goods or services available on such websites or external sources.

Photo credit - Photographs: Christian Dior Couture’s photo library.



The User agrees not to:

  • use or allow the Website to be used in an improper manner, for any unlawful, fraudulent, or malicious purposes, including, without limitation, by (i) hacking the Website or introducing any malware, viruses, or harmful data into the Website or any operating system, (ii) using a spider or any other system, mechanism, or program (automated or not) to extract data or information from the Website or CDC’s servers, (iii) sending or storing documents containing viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other harmful computer codes, files, scripts, agents, or programs, (iv) interfering with or harming the integrity or performance of the Website and the data it contains, (v) trying to gain unauthorized access to the Website, its systems, or related networks, and (vi) trying to gain unauthorized access to the accounts or personal information of other Users;
  • use the Website in any manner other than as provided for in these T&Cs or in a manner that infringes the intellectual property rights of CDC or its contributors or Christian Dior Couture’s and/or LVMH’s reputation;
  • use the Website in a manner that may damage, disable, overload, disrupt or compromise the operation or security of the Website.

The User agrees that he is solely liable for his use of the Website and the resulting consequences of such use. 

The User shall keep his ID and password strictly confidential. The User shall not share them in any way with a third party to permit access to the Website. The User is solely responsible and liable for any activities carried out from his user account, including by any unauthorized user.    

CDC can take any measure, at any time and for any reason whatsoever, to cease, without any prior notice, the use of the Website by the User who may infringe these T&Cs, without prejudice to any damages that CDC reserves the right to claim to the User in this respect.  



CDC will make its best efforts to ensure that the information published on the Website is accurate and up to date. CDC reserves the right to correct such information at any time without prior notice.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, CDC shall not be held liable for:

  • any ambiguity, inaccuracy, or omission concerning the information available on the Website; or
  • any damages arising from any third-party intrusion that may alter the information published on the Website or prevent access to the Website.

Likewise, CDC makes no warranties that the Website will operate without interruption, bugs, or viruses. In this regard, the User represents that he accepts the Internet’s features and limitations.



CDC will make its best efforts to maintain a reasonable level of the Website operation and availability. CDC reserves the right to limit Users’ access to, and use of, the Website, at any time without prior notice, to conduct maintenance operations or make changes. CDC shall not be held liable in the event of any access interruption due to such maintenance or update operations. 



CDC protects the personal data of the Website’s Users. CDC encourages the Users of the Website to review the Personal Data Protection Policy accessible on the platform which sets out, in particular, how their personal data is collected, processed, used, transmitted, stored and protected.   



These T&Cs shall be governed by French law. 

Any disputes that may relate to or arise from these T&Cs shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal. 



These T&Cs have been prepared in English. In the event they are translated into one or more languages, only the English version shall prevail in case of dispute. 



In the event the User wishes to lodge a complaint about any content that he considers as illegal, he shall contact:




Article I: Presentation

Christian Dior Couture, a French Société Anonyme, located at 30 Avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies register under number 612 035 832 (« CDC » or « Christian Dior Couture »), has developed an e-learning platform « UNESCO & Women@DIOR: Women Leadership and Sustainability education program » accessible at (the « Program »)

Participation to the program is regulated by the terms and conditions defined in the present rules (the « Rules »).

The aim of this Program is to allow selected students (the « Mentees ») to follow online state-of-the-art exclusive courses featuring renowned teachers and experts invited by CDC to talk about themes such as Autonomy, Inclusion, Creativity and Sustainability as well as inspiring interviews with friends of the House, the LVMH group and UNESCO

After having successfully being mentored all year and after following the exclusive courses and attending the inspiring interviews, the Mentees will be invited to put in practice everything they have learned during this program by participating to the « Dream For Change project » on one of the four aforementioned themes in small groups.

The most impactful projects will then have a chance to be promoted by and receive backing from Christian Dior Couture and/or the LVMH Group and/or UNESCO.

Article II: Registration Requirements

In order to access the platform, each Mentee must fill out the registration form on (the « Website ») by entering the following information:
- last name;
- first name;
- email address, which shall be the same as the one used to apply to the program Women@Dior;
- password.

To validate her registration, the Mentee must agree to the Legal Notice and Terms and Conditions of use of the Website and the Personal Data Protection Policy, by ticking the relevant checkboxes. If she does not agree, her participation will not be taken into account by CDC.

The Mentee will validate her registration before the end of the Program period, by clicking on the relevant button.

The Mentee shall receive an email confirming that her registration has been taken into account.

Only participations that are complete and satisfy all of the requirements under the Rules shall be taken into consideration in connection with the Program, and in the event that any information is incomplete, inaccurate, false or does not allow for the identification or location of the Mentee, her participation will be automatically cancelled.

CDC reserves the right to carry out all necessary checks regarding each Mentee’s satisfaction of the registration requirements.
Furthermore, any registration with an email address other than the one provided by the Mentee when applying to the Program shall not be taken into account.

Article III: Participation Requirements

III.1 Participation in the Program is open to any individual provided that they satisfy the following conditions:

1. having been selected by Christian Dior Couture; and
2. having the legal age as of the date of participation, as evidenced by a valid ID or passport which can be requested by Christian Dior Couture;

CDC will accept only one (1) participation per Mentee for the entire duration of the Program.
No expenses of any kind in connection with participation in the Program (postage costs, internet connection fees, travel expenses, etc.) will be reimbursed by CDC.

III.2 The Mentee must read carefully and fully agree to, without qualifications and reservations, the Rules prior to participation in the Program.

III.3 During the Dream for Change project phase, The Mentee must further create or join a team comprising a maximum of five (5) other Mentees – CDC recommends Mentees to be from the same country in order to facilitate the local implementation of their initiative -  (the « Team ») directly in the back-office of their education platform “My Space” (option will be opened during the kickoff of the Dream for Change project).

III.4  All Teams shall be supervised by a coach  from a reputable institution (the «  Coach  ») selected by CDC in order to be coached before the final rendering of their Dream for Change project.

Article IV: How the Program Works

The Program is divided into two (3) sections:

1. Following all the courses on Autonomy, Self-awareness and self-care, Inclusion, Creativity and Sustainability

Approximately twenty (20) video segments filmed by Mentors and Guests shall be made available to the Mentees.

2. The inspiring interviews

Mentees are invited to attend multiple interviews broadcasted on CDC’s official LinkedIn page during the duration of their program.

CDC will communicate before each interview to invite all Mentees to attend. The interviews will be available in replay on the education platform under the tab “your inspiring interviews”.

3. Participating in the « Dream For Change » project

Each Team shall deliver two (2) renderings or deliverables (the «Deliverables ») as per the schedule and terms defined below:



Mentees must create a team of (5 people) on the platform within the deadline that will be communicated to them, and deliver a first rendering PowerPoint or PDF presentation of three (3) slides about one of the aforementioned themes and with the three following elements:

- slide 1: What is, or what are,  the local gender bias issue(s)you dream of resolving and why is/are the issue(s) at stake essential for women?
- slide 2:  What is the concept behind your “Dream for Change Project” initiative?
- slide 3:  Define and showcase the concrete actions you already put in place in order to support your concept.



After the rendering of your Initial Assignment, organize your team's personalized coaching session with the Dream for Change project coach. When invited to do, in order to book your coaching session, select a time slot in your "Participation" online space accessible via the "My Space" button when unlocked on the platform.



Production of a one (1) minute video (.mp4) in (the « Video ») accompanied by your updated presentation from the first assignment, video should focus on the same 3 axes with 50% being dedicated to showcasing what the teams concretely and locally started to put into actions to support their initiative.

The two (2) Deliverables described above constitute the project presented by each Team to the  future Dream for Change jury featuring prestigious guests from CDC, the LVMH group and UNESCO (the « Project »), for the purposes of its selection in accordance with the conditions defined under section VI of the Rules.

CDC may organize a conference, as described under section VII of the Rules (the « Ceremony »).

CDC shall not accept or take into consideration any other document submitted by the Teams. Also, any Deliverables submitted by the Teams after the required time period shall not be taken into account by CDC.

Article V: Specifications of the Deliverables

1: PowerPoint or PDF presentations

PowerPoint or PDF presentations must be provided by each Team in ordinary digital format, as specified on the Website.
These PowerPoint or PDF presentations must be written in English, and no other language will be accepted.

2: Videos

Each Team must record a Video in English with a maximum length of one (1) minute in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

- to record the Video using its own equipment (technical requirements: video in portrait format, in mp4; maximum size of 50MB and if size limits are exceeded, it is possible to provide a link to the Video content on a Vimeo or other platform), in a room with a plain background (the Team may design staging as long as it complies with the Rules, and in particular does not infringe any third party rights, including without limitation any copyright (droit d’auteur), trademark, designs and models, image rights, privacy rights, etc.);

  • Format 16:9
  • to visit the Website via a secure link provided to it by the Mentee Institution where s/he is registered or the Maison and follow the instructions displayed on the screen;
  • to upload the Video on the Website.

3: Videos and Texts

A post-submission moderation system will be organized by CDC to control the Videos and the Texts.

These shall not be accepted for the Program and shall not allow the validation of their author’s participation if:
- they conflict with third-party rights (including, without limitation, any copyright (droit d’auteur), trademark, designs and models, image rights (droit à l’image), privacy rights, etc.);
- they are defamatory, abusive, obscene or derogatory, offensive, violent or incite violence, political propaganda, religious/proselyte, racist or xenophobic;
- they go against morality and/or public policy;
- they go against the Program requirements as described in the Rules;
- they go against the ban on advertising for alcoholic beverages and tobacco or, more generally, any applicable laws.

Article VI: Detailed rules on the designation of, and information to be provided to, the Selected Teams for the Ceremony

After sending the final assignment, The Global Talent team at Christian Dior Couture will review and select the ten most inspiring Dream for Change projects

The 10 projects will then be studied by a prestigious Jury which will select the 3 most inspiring ones. The 3 teams selected will be invited to present their projects at the Global Conference

The Selected Team(s) shall be informed by email sent to the email addresses indicated on the registration form for the Program, and invited to reply to CDC within ten (10) days following their receipt of such email.

After this time, the Selected Team will be deemed to wish to not further participate to the upcoming events of the Program.

CDC reserves the right to reassign to an alternative Selected Team any invitation that was not granted or is unclaimed (see the preceding paragraph) or if the Selected Team to which it was initially granted was excluded due to a breach of the Rules, an act of fraud, a technical problem affecting the designation of the Selected Teams or a force majeure event.

Article VII: Description of the Ceremony

In the case a ceremony is organized by CDC, the Selected Teams shall be authorized to attend an exceptional day intended to foster further reflection into experimenting the future in the luxury industry in the presence of guests from Christian Dior Couture, gender equality activists and incredible guests.

This invitation to attend the Ceremony may not be disputed in any way by the Selected Teams. It is strictly personal and mentions the guests’ names, so that it may not be transferred or sold to any third party. CDC shall not in any case exchange or deliver all or any part of its counter-value, whether in kind or in cash. It is non-transferable, non-assignable and may not be sold.

Article VIII: Verifications

The Mentees hereby authorize CDC to carry out all of the necessary checks concerning the satisfaction of all participation requirements in the Program, including their identity, age and student status. Any Mentee making a false statement shall be automatically eliminated.

Article IX: Requesting the Rules

The Rules are available on-line on the Website [] (accessible only for Mentees having received a secure link).

Article X: Satisfaction of Participation Requirements

Participation in the Program implies the express and unqualified acceptance of the Rules in their entirety.

CDC reserves the right, for reasonable reasons, to shorten, extend, postpone or cancel the Program or to change the access requirements and/or the operating terms thereof, if the circumstances so require and shall not be held liable in any way in this respect.

CDC reserves the right to exclude any Mentee who fails to comply with these Rules. Moreover, any fraud or suspicion of fraud shall entail the exclusion of the Mentee from the Program, even if such fraud is identified after closing of the Program and/or designation of the Selected Teams.

Article XI: Intellectual Property and Authorization

XI.1 Warranties

By taking part in this Program, each Mentee and/or Team warrants to CDC:

- that she is, with the members of her Team, the sole author of the Deliverables, and owns, whether alone or jointly with her Team members, as the case may be, the related intellectual property rights; and, accordingly, s/he warrants to CDC full and unrestricted enjoyment, clear of any liens, of the rights over the Deliverables. Consequently, it shall not be necessary for CDC to solicit any authorization from a third party to use the Deliverables as per the terms defined herein;
- that the Deliverables do not contain anything whatsoever that may infringe any third-party rights, including under any provisions related to copyrights, trademarks, designs and models, personality rights (including third-party image rights and privacy rights) and that the Deliverables have not been the subject of any registration formalities on its part;
- that the clothes she wears in the Video do not contain any trademarks, logos or other distinctive signs;
- that only her Team members appear in the Video;
- that she has not misused the identity of any person upon registering for the Program;
- that the Deliverables contain nothing obscene or defamatory, abusive, or derogatory, and do not go against morality or the image of any third parties, CDC or of the LVMH Group;
- that the Deliverables and their performance do not breach any applicable laws or regulations.

XI.2 Authorization to use the Mentee’s personality rights

Each Mentee expressly authorizes CDC to capture, fix and reproduce - via any photographic or audiovisual process and/or in the form of sound recording - her image, likeness, silhouette, gestures, voice, first and last names, and signature (the « Personality Attributes ») in connection with her participation in the Program, and to exploit them as fixed in accordance with the conditions set forth below.

This authorization is granted free of charge, on an exclusive and worldwide basis, for a term of five (5) years as from the Mentee’s registration in the Program, for any internal and external communication purposes of CDC or its group or UNESCO in connection with the Program, public relations, archives and retrospective exhibitions, communications with the human resources department(s) of CDC or with the Mentee Institutions, for the purposes of implementing and promoting the Program, on the media and using the means of exploitation referred to under section XI.3 below, without limitation as to the number of captures, fixations, reproductions, performances or adaptations made.

The above authorization includes the right for CDC to make any modification, addition, deletion, reframing, dubbing, etc., to the fixations and/or the captures of the Mentee’s Personality Attributes that CDC (or its technical service provider) may deem appropriate.

In addition, the Mentee’s Personality Attributes as fixed and/or captured, may bear any caption, comment, text, link, visual or graphic effects, in compliance with the Mentee’s personality rights.

Finally, the Mentee expressly authorizes CDC to extract any still or animated frames from the fixations and/or captures thus made for the purpose of promoting the Program, including in the form of a "teaser".

CDC shall be authorized to license, assign or otherwise grant to any third parties any such authorizations as it may deem necessary for the purpose of exploiting the rights granted to it hereunder.

Any and all materials and media made under this authorization shall remain CDC’s property.

The Mentee agrees to sign any such deeds or other documents reiterating this authorization as may be submitted to him/her during her participation in the Program.

XI. 3 License of intellectual property rights over the Deliverables

In consideration of her participation in the Program, the Mentee hereby licenses to CDC the exploitation rights (i.e., reproduction, performance and adaptation rights) over the Deliverables, for any internal or external communication purposes of CDC in connection with the Program, public relations, archives and retrospective exhibitions, communications with the human resources department(s) of CDC’s subsidiaries or communications with the Mentee Institutions, in connection with the implementation and promotion of the Program, including on the following dissemination and broadcasting media and materials: posters, pamphlets, the press, films, leaflets, booklets, flyers, the social media, internet and intranet websites, blogs, mobile applications (including those of CDC and its group), community websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Dailymotion, etc., advertisements, television channels, irrespective of the broadcasting and/or reception means used (terrestrial and digital TV channels, cable satellite, interactive television, etc.), multi-media, and any other means of exploitation allowing the provision or exploitation of the Deliverables via any land or wireless telecommunication tools (computers, telephones, tablets, etc.).

This authorization is granted to CDC free of charge and on an exclusive, worldwide basis, and for the duration of the implementation and promotion of the Program.

XI. 4. First option granted to CDC to exploit the Project

For a period of twelve (12) months the Mentee grants CDC an exclusive option to exploit the Project for commercial purposes (including the Deliverables as well as the resulting concept).
If CDC decides to exercise this option, the financial and other terms of exploitation of the Project shall be mutually agreed in good faith between CDC and the Mentee as well as the other members of her Team having participated in the Project.
The Mentee agrees not to offer the Project, or any adaptation thereof, to any third party, whether professional or not, during the term of the option.
Likewise, the Mentee agrees to disclose to CDC, in its original and complete form, any offer or proposal to exploit the Project that it may receive from any third party, during the term of the option, and agrees to give CDC priority in the event of a competing offer on equivalent terms.
By no later than three (3) months following the disclosure of the offer by the Mentee to CDC, the latter shall inform the Mentee of its decision to exercise its option or not.
XI. 5. Intellectual Property Rights of CDC
The Mentee shall comply with the intellectual property rights of CDC, as provided in the Legal Notice and Terms and Conditions of use of the Website.

This section shall not grant any right and/or authorization to the Mentee over any rights and/or distinctive signs (including trademarks) owned by CDC and/or its group.

Article XII: Liability

CDC assumes no responsibility for any malfunction of the Internet, telephone lines or receiving equipment preventing the efficient running of the Program.

CDC may not either be held responsible should one or more Teams not be able to submit Deliverables as a result of a technical problem or failure beyond its control.

Furthermore, CDC may not be held liable for any problems of transport or loss of the Deliverables.

From a general standpoint, CDC shall have the right to cancel all or a part of the Program if it appears that fraud has occurred in any form whatsoever in relation with the participation in the Program or in the determination of the Selected Teams. CDC reserves, as the case may be, the right to exclude the fraudulent Selected Team from participating in the Ceremony.

Article XIII: Force majeure

CDC may not be held liable, generally, due to a force majeure event, within the meaning of Article 1218 of the French Civil Code and or the French Cour de Cassation case law or due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond its control (including technical problems, etc.) affecting the organization and the management of the Program, such that it would be shortened, postponed, extended, modified or cancelled.

Article XIV: Confidentiality

All information, of any type whatsoever, including administrative, commercial, scientific, technical, financial, tax, legal or economic, whether tangible or intangible, that has been, is or will be communicated by CDC to the Mentee, directly or indirectly, and in a non-exhaustive manner, orally, in writing, whichever the medium, by remitting paper or electronic documents, are deemed “Confidential Information” within the meaning of this article.

The following are not Confidential Information:
- information currently accessible or becoming accessible to the public without a breach of the Rules by the Mentee,
- information legally obtained by the Mentee before disclosure of such information by CDC without violation of a confidentiality obligation,
- the Projects.

The Mentee undertakes, for the term of the Program and a period of five (5) years thereafter:
- not to use the Confidential Information for any purposes other than the participation in the Program in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Rules;
- to take any necessary, useful and reasonable measure to protect the Confidential Information;
- not to disclose, by any means whatsoever, the Confidential Information to any person, excluding the other members of her Team.

The Mentee must destroy any Confidential Information obtained in connection with the Program, regardless of its form, without delay at the end of the Program, regardless of whether the Program was cancelled for any reason whatsoever or merely reached its term. The Mentee shall not keep any copy in any form whatsoever without the prior express written consent of CDC.

Article XV: Protection of Personal Data

To participate in the Program, the Mentees must provide all personal data specified in article III of these Rules. In the event the Mentee refuses to communicate this personal data, her participation in the Program will not be accepted.

The personal data is intended for use by CDC:

- to manage the subscription and the participation of the Mentees in the Program and, when appropriate, manage the award of their invitation to attend the Ceremony;
- to promote the Program;
- subject to the consent of the Mentees, to effect the communication both internally and externally of CDC, notably in relation to retrospective exhibitions pursuant to article XI of the Rules;
- to fulfill the legal and regulatory obligations of CDC;
- subject to the consent of the Mentees, to keep them informed of professional opportunities likely to match their interests and expertise that may be available at CDC.
Such personal data may be disclosed to service providers and subcontractors for the work performed on behalf of CDC in connection with this Program. It shall also be, subject to the consent of the Mentees, accessible to the subsidiaries of the LVMH Group worldwide, including outside of the European Economic Area, for potential recruitment purposes. The complete list of the subsidiaries of the LVMH Group is available at

The personal data of the Mentees related to their participation in the Program, as collected and processed by CDC, shall only be kept for the duration of the Program and any further period of time that may be necessary to allocate the invitations of the Selected Teams to attend the Ceremony. It will then be archived for evidentiary purposes for a period of time that does not exceed the applicable statutory limitation periods. Upon expiry of this timescale, such personal data shall be destroyed, subject to, if applicable, that which is provided under article XI of the Rules or the consent of the Mentees that their data be kept for potential recruitment purposes.

Should the Mentees accept that their personal data be registered in the candidate database of CDC, such personal data shall be kept for a period of (2) years as from their collection, then be archived for the sole purpose of meeting the legal obligations of CDC. After the expiry of this timescale, CDC may contact the Mentees in order to know if they wish that CDC continue to store their personal data, for the purpose of being informed of an opportunity likely to match their aspirations and skills that could arise. The data of the Mentees shall, moreover, be destroyed within a maximum period of seven (7) days as of any request on their part in this respect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CDC has no obligation to register or to keep the personal data of the Mentees related to the management of a potential recruitment, even if they have given their consent to such use.

In accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations, the Mentees have a right to access and rectify their personal data, as well as to have that personal data erased, to object to its processing and, as from May 25, 2020, to make them subject to restriction or portability, as applicable.

These rights may be exercised with a simple written request sent to Request for deletion or objection to processing may, if applicable, prevent the Mentees from participating in the Program or benefiting from potential recruitment opportunities.

The Mentees also have the right to contact the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), 3, Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris Cedex 07, for any claim concerning the manner in which CDC collects and processes their personal data.

For more information about CDC’s policies related to data protection and cookies, the Mentees may view the Personal Data Protection Policy, available at, which they must accept prior to their registration to the Program.

Article XVI: Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The Rules are governed by French law.

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Program that cannot be settled amicably shall be subject to the jurisdiction of competent courts.



I. Switzerland

The penultimate paragraph of Article XV shall be supplemented by the following paragraph:

"The Mentees based in Switzerland may also file a written request to the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC), Feldeggweg 1, 3001 Bern, Switzerland."

II. Italy

Article XV, second-to-last paragraph, shall be replaced by the following paragraph:

"The Mentees also have the right to contact the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), 3, Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris Cedex 07, or, as the case may be, the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, Piazza di Monte Citorio 121, 00186 - Rome (Italy), email, for any claim concerning the manner in which CDC collects and processes their personal data.".